Imagine your website at the top of your selected category (which thousands of users are linking to), well, this is how works! Our methods are unique. We created this network where every webmaster helps the other to advertise. We have many satisfied users who are benefiting from our advertising service and they keep coming back for more. Here at, we deal with points, the more points you have, the higher your site position will be. There are many ways to earn points. The best way to understand how Yavrim works, is by creating an account, it is free.
The points you can earn by-
Details: This is a very straight forward method to earn points. Below you have a link which you can show to people. Everytime someone creates an account via your link and earns at least 10 points, we send 20 visitors to your site, therefore, you are helping us and we are helping you back. sign up
Earn points by Surfing
Details: As you can see below, you have many sites which you can visit. For every 2 sites you visit, you will earn 1 point. Collecting points means moving your site to the top position. Therefore, this Manual-Surfing page helps you get points and it also helps webmasters advertise their sites including you.sign up
Earn points by displaying a mini banner
Details: Copy & Paste a mini-banner in your page. The following banners will link to related sites, therefore, you are helping many users to advertise, the same way that they are helping you back because their banners link to your site as well. The good news are, you will receive 2 points from each click, hence, making your way to the top
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comments plz
1 comments to "get free visitors by Referrals ,viewing other sites,banners ."
February 12, 2010 at 4:09 AM
ya it works for me and after sign up it gives 10 visitors as i am using yavrim. goood post ..thanks
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