free online repairing internet connection

Everytime I start my computer i have to repair my internet connection contunied..

Everytime I start my computer i have to repair my internet connection or my internet won't work. WHats going on with it? THere has to be a fix, does anyone have any idea what is causing this? i had Windows XP Home in before and it worked fine then when i installed WIn XP Pro it started doing this.
I run Win XP Pro
My COnnection goes through a modem to a router and from a router to 3 computers.... all computers work fine except for the one with this problem.
I use a speedstream modem and Linksys router.

I have all windows updates

Norton Internet Security 2004

Windows XP Firewall off.


I do not know what i repair on my connection i just tell it to repair the line it does its little process then it works. SOrry i don't know much else. I recently got a new driver my Windows for it but it still doesn't work. I am not a newb at the computer stuff.


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