Fix Generic Host For Win32 Process Error

My last post about Fixing Generic Host Error on your Windows was appreciated a lot not only in the blogosphere rather the whole Internet. I do not say this out of mere words rather if you search Google for "Fix Generic Host" you will find my blog at the top and most of my traffic from Google is due to this.

This error has been haunting most of Windows PCs from a long time and is really one dreadful bug. The problem in my last fix was that it would cure the Generic Host Error Message from appearing but it would close the connection to the network PCs.

Here are 4 new solutions to the Generic Host For Win32 Error in Windows:

Solution# 1:

1.Hop to 'Run' and open 'Regedit'

2.Navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Browser > Parameters

3.Find the Key

Name: IsDomainMaster

and set

Data: False

4.Restart Your PC

Solution# 2:

1.Go to 'Run' and open 'cmd'

2.Type 'netsh' in command console then press enter

3.Then type 'winsock' and press enter and then type reset

4.Restart Your PC

Solution# 3:

Get the LspFix and follow the steps as directed

Solution# 4:

Get the Microsoft Update Patch and apply it. Thanx to Nirmal for this.

I hope one of these solutions will definitely help you rectify the erorr

Moreover you can always see my old guaranteed post about Fixing Generic Host Error


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